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  Daily inspiration: tolerance. I don't want to keep "patting myself on the back" about the pet store episode from a few days ago...but yesterday when another person came into my pet store, she mentioned she saw my post about it along with the accompanying photo, (we're friends through Facebook) she said, "at first, I had to look and when I looked again, I knew who he was. He's some deaf, drunk guy who lives in my apartment building! and no one likes his dog, either!" the next space is me, still in disbelief. She soon left and I sat there in shame, in sorrow...wondering...where was the tolerance, the compassion? (I mentioned THAT in a post from last week- she may have missed that one.) So now it has come to measuring out compassion by how disabled one is, how drunk one is, how much money one has (that is already been done, have to hang out with the Ivory Tower folks, don't you know!?) Friends...I think time and again to Jesus approaching the woman at

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